I’m using the alert2 custom integration (v1.7.3) to alert me when the laundry is done AND the door is closed UNTIL the door is opened.
I’m new to alert
but I gathered from other posts that the default integration for alerts is not well-suited to a situation where alerts need to be sent repeatedly based on a condition. Alert2 seems to purport to fix that.
I followed the configuration instructions but can’t seem to get this alert2 working.
For context, I’m also using @Blacky 's blueprint to notify me when the laundry is done and (when that happens), toggling an input boolean. This boolean is toggled off again when the washing machine door is opened. The status of this input boolean is watched by a sensor (sensor.washingmachine_ready).
Now, even when I toggle the input boolean on myself (for testing purposes) and the door is closed, alert2 does not fire. What am I doing wrong?
- domain: washing machine
name: wet_laundry
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.washingmachine_ready
condition: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.doorsensor_opening','closed') }}"
message: "Laundry done - wet clothes in machine!"
notifier: mobile_app_iphone