Alerts and trouble shooting

I keep getting the following error in my logs;
Invalid config for ‘alert’ at alerts.yaml, line 1: required key ‘entity_id’ not provided, please check the docs at Alert - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘alert’ at alerts.yaml, line 1: required key ‘name’ not provided, please check the docs at Alert - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘alert’ at alerts.yaml, line 1: required key ‘repeat’ not provided, please check the docs at Alert - Home Assistant Invalid config for ‘alert’ at alerts.yaml, line 2: ‘freezer_alert’ is an invalid option for ‘alert’, check: alert->alert->freezer_alert, please check the docs at Alert - Home Assistant

The alerts.yaml is below;
alert: # Added main alert section
name: “freezeralerts” # Fixed missing name key and indentation
entity_id: binary_sensor.freezer_alert # Indented
state: “on” # Fixed indentation (one level less)
message: “Freezer temp is too high” # Indented
notify: # Fixed indentation (one level less)
- mobile_app_pixel_7_pro_lindsay # Indented with one more level

Now the sensor in question is formated correctly;

I’m out of ideas and cannot see my error.

Can anyone please help?


Not without seeing your correctly formatted config.

Also how are you including alerts.yaml in configuration.yaml?

Sorry about that, please find below (I hope a correctly formated) example of my alert.yalm, this is referenced in my configuartion.yaml file. The error I am seeing in my logs refers to line one of this file (Invalid config for ‘alert’ at alerts.yaml, line 1: required key ‘entity_id’ not provided). The purpose of this is to use alerts to notify me when our freezer door is being left open and the temperture gets up.

    name: "freezeralerts" 
    entity_id: binary_sensor.freezer_alert 
    state: "on" 
    message: "Freezer temp is too high" 
      - mobile_app_pixel_7_pro_lindsay 

Hi folks,
This is now resolved. Going through it line by line, restarting the system every time but it’s resolved and I’ve a working example that can form a template for the rest/if any alerts I need.

  name: "freezeralerts"
  message: "Freezer temp is too high"
  entity_id: binary_sensor.freezer_alert
  state: "on"
  repeat: 30
  can_acknowledge: false
  skip_first: False
    - mobile_app_pixel_7_pro_lindsay