Alexa actionable notification A/C is COOLING and something open UI automation

Most Alexa actionable notification examples are using NODE RED I thought I would share how using Home Assistant UI automation editor.
I am no expert this is just how I figured out how to make things work with Home assistant automation editor for I am slowly moving all my NODE RED automations to HA . If you have some good examples of better ways of improving please share in the comments.

This automates a Alexa Actionable notification if something is open for 3 minutes and the A/C system is in COOLING HVAC action.
Alexa announces :

ATTENTION… The AC is cooling and something is left open… Would you like me to shut off the AC?

When told YES then the A/C system with be turned OFF
When told NO or NO response the automation will wait 3 minutes and then Re trigger (automation.trigger) the Actionable notification automation to ask again.

A 3rd automation (A/C off if something open 30m) will shut off the A/C if something is open and COOLING or HEATING for 33 minutes.

This Actionable notification has several components.

  1. Alexa actionable Notification Setup. Actionable Notifications via Alexa Media Player

  2. Door and window group binary_sensor.doors_and_windows with all monitored doors and windows.
    Using Helpers go to helpers - group - binary sensor group to create a binary group sensor.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show your helper entities.

  1. Value_templatet Sensor ac_state_with_doorsandwindows using AC systems HVAC action (cooling, heating and Idle) combined with Door and window group That gives each state if a door or window is open and AC has HVAC action active.
    (window-open-cooling, window-open-heating, window-open-idle, IDLE, heating and cooling)

  2. Two Automations using HA UI automation editor
    actionable notification and Actionable Response

  3. An Additional fail safe 3rd automation
    Automation to shut off AC if something is open and HEATING OR COOLING for 30 minutes

Value_templatet Sensor Located in template.yaml
Open template.yaml with your file editor and Paste in the below yaml

# sensor for each heating mode and any doors and windows open using multiple entities
- sensors:
      # Give the sensor a name
        # Provide a friendly name
        friendly_name: House AC State with door and windows
        # Set the state based on the state of a seperate sensor
        value_template: >- 
          {%-if is_state('binary_sensor.doors_and_windows', 'on') and is_state_attr("climate.house_a_c", "hvac_action", "cooling") %}        
          {%-elif is_state('binary_sensor.doors_and_windows', 'on') and is_state_attr("climate.house_a_c", "hvac_action", "heating") %}
          {%-elif is_state('binary_sensor.doors_and_windows', 'on') and is_state_attr("climate.house_a_c", "hvac_action", "idle") %}  
          {%-elif is_state_attr("climate.house_a_c", "hvac_action", "idle") %}
          {%-elif is_state_attr("climate.house_a_c", "hvac_action", "cooling") %}
          {%-elif is_state_attr("climate.house_a_c", "hvac_action", "heating") %}

          {% else %}
          Not available
              {% endif %}

Automation 1
Alexa actionable notification A/C is COOLING and something open automation
Open a new automation go to Edit in YAML Paste in the below yaml

alias: alexa actionable notification A/C on and something open
description: >-
  If  "sensor.ac_state_with_doorsandwindows" state is "window-open-cooling" 

  Alexa will announce AC is cooling and something is open. and asked if you want
  to shut OFF A/C?
   The automation "Alexa Actionable Response something open" handles your response of YES, NO or NO response. 
  I also have a fail safe Automation "A/C off if something open 30m"  if "House
  AC State with door and windows" state is "window-open-cooling" or
  "window-open-heating" for 30 minutes it will shut off A/C
  - platform: state
      - sensor.ac_state_with_doorsandwindows
      hours: 0
      minutes: 3
      seconds: 0
    to: window-open-cooling
    from: null
  - condition: time
    after: "07:00:00"
    before: "23:59:00"
      - sun
      - mon
      - tue
      - wed
      - thu
      - fri
      - sat
  - action: media_player.volume_set
    metadata: {}
      volume_level: 0.81
        - media_player.mom_s_room
  - action: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
      text: " ATTENTION... The AC is cooling and something is left open... Would you like me to shut off the AC?"
      event_id: ac_on
      alexa_device: media_player.mom_s_room
  - action: script.activate_alexa_actionable_notification
      text: " ATTENTION... The AC is cooling and something is left open... Would you like me to shut off the AC?"
      event_id: ac_on
    enabled: true
mode: restart

Automation 2
Alexa Actionable Response smething open and AC cooling Automation
Open a new automation go to Edit in YAML Paste in the below yaml

alias: Alexa Actionable Response something open
description: >-
  Turn off AC if YES

  Will Run notification Automation again if "NO" or No response is given and
  something still open after 10 minutes. 

  Is triggered by event ID "ac_on" of the automation of "alexa actionable
  notification A/C on and something open" 

  I also have a fail safe Automation "A/C off if something open 30m"  if "House
  AC State with door and windows" state is "window-open-cooling" or
  "window-open-heating" for 30 minutes it will shut off A/C
  - platform: event
    event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
      event_id: ac_on
      event_response_type: ResponseYes
    id: "yes"
  - platform: event
    event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
      event_id: ac_on
      event_response_type: ResponseNo
    id: "no"
  - platform: event
    event_type: alexa_actionable_notification
      event_id: ac_on
      event_response_type: ResponseNone
    id: no response
condition: []
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - "yes"
          - action: climate.turn_off
            metadata: {}
            data: {}
              device_id: c95b720c4d7bd743ea80f07822cf4863
            enabled: true
      - conditions:
          - condition: or
              - condition: trigger
                  - no response
                  - "no"
          - delay:
              hours: 0
              minutes: 3
              seconds: 0
              milliseconds: 0
          - condition: state
            entity_id: sensor.ac_state_with_doorsandwindows
            state: window-open-cooling
          - action: automation.trigger
              skip_condition: true
              entity_id: automation.ac_on
mode: single

Automation to shut off AC if something is open and HEATING OR COOLING for 30 minutes
Open a new automation go to Edit in YAML Paste in the below yaml

alias: A/C off if something open 30m
description: shuts off heating or cooling if something open for 30 minutes
  - platform: state
      - sensor.ac_state_with_doorsandwindows
    from: null
    to: window-open-cooling
      hours: 0
      minutes: 33
      seconds: 0
  - platform: state
      - sensor.ac_state_with_doorsandwindows
    from: null
    to: window-open-heating
      hours: 0
      minutes: 33
      seconds: 0
condition: []
  - action: climate.turn_off
    metadata: {}
    data: {}
      device_id: c95b720c4d7bd743ea80f07822cf4863
mode: single

Alexa text to speech tip…
add ... between phases for a pause in speech.

Notes are included in each automation Descriptions