Hello, i installed alexa media player, i would like that alexa will alert me if a sensor value going over a sensor value for example if the sensor will have 100 as value alexa will say “your sensor is going high” i tried the automation but didnt work… someone can help me ?
This is my automation that didnt work:
(Before I get to them, please could you format your code using the </> button - it makes it easier to see what you have)
Regardless of the trigger and conditions, you should be able to run the actions of your automation and hear the notification. Choose Run from the three-dot menu. Does this work?
Your trigger and condition seem to be disabled. Do you need to enable the trigger?
Your trigger seems to have a “to:” element. I’m not sure this should be there.
Has the sensor value gone from below 105 to above 105? Only this will trigger the automation.
Does your call service need to look more like this:
service: notify.alexa_media
message: Your sensor is going high
type: announce
target: media_player.alexa_media_echo_show_8_2a_gen
Hello and thanks, i had done the corrections suggested and i tried to run it manually… not working, my echo is mute… here’s the updated code i removed the time conditions:
alias: Alexa alert
description: ""
- platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.temperature_2
above: 100
enabled: true
condition: []
- service: notify.alexa_media
message: Your sensor is going high
type: announce
target: media_player.alexa_media_echo_show_8_2a_gen
mode: single
great… now manually working, my sensor value actually is 120, whats the behavior of the automation because do not doing nothing, y sensor state now is 120 and i didnt get any alert from alexa (the automation is enabled) ?
Here’s what i want that will do… when normally the sensor have a value range between 80 / 100… i want be alerted automaticaly a cople of times from alexa if the value will be highter than 100…
The numeric state trigger will only trigger when the state goes from below 100 to above 100. If the state is 120, when you get the automation working, then you will need to wait for the state to go below 100 and then above 100 again.
There is an Alert integration which may be of use but I’ve not used this myself and don’t know how it works with Alexa.
A crude solution would be this:
- service: notify.alexa_media
message: Your sensor is going high
type: announce
target: media_player.alexa_media_echo_show_8_2a_gen
- delay:
hours: 0
minutes: 10
seconds: 0
milliseconds: 0
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.temperature_2
above: 100
- service: notify.alexa_media
message: Your sensor is going high
type: announce
target: media_player.alexa_media_echo_show_8_2a_gen