Alexa and emulated hue gets That value is out of range for device X response

@petro One last question about haaska, actually two.

  • The haaska docs make it look like I need to use “Alexa, tell $invocation_name …” to use that skill (in true docs fashion referencing “above” when there is nothing above) :stuck_out_tongue:
  • In #109 it doesn’t look like there is a bright future - if any - for that project. Or are we talking about different things?

Also found a third strike against it :confused: I have to have the whole dyndns + ssl certification process. I wanted to avoid this. I can’t imagine hass working without internet when it’s trying to validate certificates over the internet. And local (not necessarily alexa) autonomy is non-negotiable for me.

Nope, that’s for personalized skills only, if you integrated them. Otherwise it’s same phrases as any other smart home device skills. turn on x, turn on y, etc.

Because alexa smart home skill is identical to haaska. The only difference is authentication. Haaska authenticates using your amazon account. Alexa Smart Home Skill authenticates with your home assistant login.

Hass works fine without internet. The only thing that would break is communication to alexa.

Just setup nginx proxy and you’ll have everything on your local network communicate internally, with the ability to access it externally. Super simple.


I guess hasska is the only solution for now? And it looks like very complicated to setup.
I was hoping that the fix for emulated hue will be here, but i guess not. Gotta watch guide on hasska

No, you can use emulated hue unless you are on Hassio. If you are on hassio, then you need to use Hasska (Free but being phased out), Alexa Smart Home (Free), or the cloud ($5/mo).

There’s also the possibility that hassio will get a change to allow port 80 use on the HA user. If that happens, then emulated hue will work on hassio again. I doubt this will happen though. Emulated hue has always had a end of life because it’s tied to a old hardware platform. When other companies drop support, then emulated hue will probably die in home assistant. Phillips hue is already dropping support for the bridge that emulated hue emulates. So it’s only a matter of time.

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Hi @petro, thanks!
i tried searching for the alexa smart home option that u mentioned, but couldn’t find anything useful. Can u point me to the right direction? Thanks.

I followed the Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill and I am getting the following error. I have tried NOT_VERIFY_SSL both True and False. I have my long lasting token in and DEBUG turned on. Any suggestions?

If I go to my URL I get my lovelace page. Do I need to specify a specific port?

/var/runtime/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:

are you getting the warning after you complete the whole process? or is this occuring in the middle when you check the communication. At the end of the process, you shouldn’t be using the long lived access token anymore.

It was because my NGINX front end wasn’t directing the packets to the right place. It works now. Just need to clean up devices being advertised so alexa doesn’t get confused.

odd, i run nginx but didn’t have that issue. glad you got it sorted out.

I am running appdaemon and needed to redirect the /api directory for that. The base / directory was directed back to home assistant. redirecting /auth to took care of the auth part of it. Then I started getting a timeout that the event took longer than 3 seconds ( my internet sucks, but fiber is coming soon ). So I pumped that up to 15 seconds and everything seems to be working.


I’ve just figured a workaround for this, I have a switch exposed via emulated hue (along with a ton of lights), despite Alexa being able to control the switch initially, a few days later I started getting “Value out of range for device” reply.

So I’ve removed the switch from emulated hue config and replaced with a dummy light using a light template.

  - platform: template
          friendly_name: "Dummy Light"
            service: homeassistant.turn_on
              entity_id: switch.heater
            service: homeassistant.turn_off
              entity_id: switch.heater

Seems to have fixed it for me, well, at least for now.


From the third line “lights:” all is indented two spaces too far.

Other than that it worked brilliantly in solving the “Value out of …”


But again, its stopped working properly sadly.

Alexa can turn the switch on and then off on command correctly, but the second time alexa turns the switch on, it immediately turns off again. I’ve looked at the debug logs, but can’t figure out whats going on.


I used a MQTT light as a dummy. Then flipped the target switch with an automation. It’s been for a week now with no problems … the other thing I noticed is the lights need to be detected with the phone app. Telling echo to discover devices or using the old web portal will break it again.

I’ve kinda had enough of emulated hue flakeyness, so I’ve setup Smart Home API, works really well (so far). :slight_smile:

Yep it all started in may. I’m glad I moved away.

Just to be a positive voice for once, the latest update cleared all issues for me. I could even properly remove an old and a renamed device - actions that made me hard reset alexa last time. I’m still looking forward to making the switch to Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill, but not just yet. As long as my current gen bridge is working/supported by the manufacturer it looks safe to use now.

Are you running on Just wondering, was considering using EH again for Harmony bridging.

Yup, however a docker install of hass and supervisor may be called these days, i’m running it along side other containers. I have used an edited custom component up until now and just took the plunge this time to see what happens with this iteration of EH.

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