Alexa and Fans

Hey guys - looking to see if anyone else has this strange issue with Alexa… Nothing crazy, but I have 4 fans in my house. Each one is " fan". Each room has an echo dot in it (split evenly between gen 2 and 3), some lights, and the fan - and has been configured in the app to be in the same room.

Now for the interesting bit… only in one of those 4 rooms can I say “Alexa, set the fan to low”… In the other 3 I have to say “Alexa, set fan to low”… Anyone else have this issue? I would obviously prefer to not say the room name :slight_smile: Lights in these rooms work properly

I should add that I am using Home Assistant cloud to expose these to Alexa.

What supported feature does the fan that works have vs the fans that dont? As an aside, I’d bet money on alexa being the issue. She’s gotten so much worse over the last year for me.

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3 of them support “on,off, low,med,high”… but all of sudden one of them started requiring me to use percentages yesterday… Sheesh

Did you find a fix?

Also what config do you have for the fan in your configuration.yaml?

At the moment I have them as emulated lights with a node red subflow that turns 0-255 dimming into 0,1,2&3 speeds.

If you turn them into ‘normal’ fans using template fans, it should work fine.

Alexa was indeed the issue… Regulated itself