Alexa announcement like google

Hey all. I use Google cast for all my announcements. Works great. Plays music etc. IS there a simple Alexa node that can do the same thing. Simply send a payload of text and have it come out as voice and secondly but not as important, play a stream or send an audio file. I use Alexa as my voice input for my house. I find it better than google as my inputs.

This thread should get you set. You’ll need Alexa Media Player via HACS to get it running.

While yes, what Hilo suggests works & I do use it from inside HA – In nodered I use an additional pallete
Then you have alexa specific nodes to work with which is easier in my mind and I also can use it for sound effects… ie - alarm sound

Here’s an example

Top 2 will have the echo device say a random message from a list after we open the door from the garage
The bottom one is part of my alarm system and will make all my echos scream lol

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