Alexa cloud control with custom responses

I’ve been reading the basic Alexa integration how to here:

It seems directed towards opening up your own ports to connect. I chose the home assistant cloud solution instead.

I was wondering how I can do the custom responses. I’ve created the alexa_confirm.yaml and added the content from the how to. In addition to this I’ve added the following lines to configuration.yaml

text: !include alexa_confirm.yaml

Unfortunately I still don’t get custom responses. What am I doing wrong?

Sorry, no answer here, but the same question.
Did you happen to find a solution?

No don’t think it is possible with the integration.

if nobody found a solution, here a kinda solution:

you can put the template directly there:

          message: '{{ [ "master just arrive", "master is in the driveway", "master
            is in the place!", "here come master", "master arrival imminent", "master
            vient de rentray", "master vient darrivay", "make place peasant. the master
            juste arrive", "I annouce the arrival of master", "make note of the impending
            arrival of master", "do not worry. you are not alone anymore. master just
            arrive", "unfortunately. master just arrive", "sory to botter you. but
            master is here" ] | random }}'

this is for google tts, but it should work with alexa too