Alexa commands for shutters/cover not working anymore

Hi there,

after changing to newest version of the freeathome component and changing to HA OS 6.6 and Core core-2021.11.5 it’s not possible to control my covers via the Home Assistant Cloud ALEXA function anymore. In the past I was able to use commands like “Alex, Rollladen Buero 50%” and it works fine. Now Alexa asks back: “Which setting?” When I answer “Oeffnungsgrad” it works fine. On Alexa’s side I configured the shutter as an “switch” or as “EXTERIOR_BLIND”. In both ways, the problem stays the same.
What can I do to ask Alexa with commands like “open/close Rollladen Buero” or working with percentage information without the “Oefnnungsgrad”?

Tanks four your help!


Alexa stop the open/close thing

when I first got her I could SAY “Alexa open/close Garage Door” and it open/close

Know I have to say “Alexa turn on garage door”

But when did they change it? Just one day ago everything works fine for me. So I guess thats anorher problem? You are right “Alex, turn on/turn off …” helps but I still looking for a percentage solution. :slight_smile: Thanks for your help. Br Jens

After working fine for years, all of sudden my Alexa can’t control any of HA entities. Alexa just says “Sorry, [device name] isn’t responding.”

Also since one or two days?

AWS US-East outage. affects Nabu Casa, and a lot more…

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Well, in a way I guess that is good. Means they should get it up and working shortly. AWS makes way too much money for Amazon, so they will fix it a.s.a.p.