Alexa controlling HA scripts but don't want to have to say "on" or "off"

Not quite sure how to phrase it, so apologies.

But in escence i have a motorized TV bed which is RF controllable.
I have the RF commands to control the bed and have put them into 2 scripts and they work fine.
I can also create ‘toggle buttons’ to run the scripts and these buttons work just fine as well.

The scripts are called:

TV Bed Up
TV Bed Down

When i expose these scripts to Alexa and discover them, i can only use Alexa to control them if i add the word “On” to trigger them.

“Alexa, TV Bed Up On”
“Alexa, TV Bed Down On”

The phrasing isn’t particularly intuitive. How can i work round that issue?

What I do did is creata a alexa Routine like

Alexa Make me a Coffee

Alexa turn a dummy light on the 1%

then have a automation that when said light turn on to 1% it Switches the Jug On

and that automation then turn the dummy switch off so I can say it again

Yeah i was reading about the method earlier today… So you start this pipeline off by creating a routine on alexa i take it? I was hoping to keep all my config on HA’s side and then simply expose the button/script/entity to alexa… It’s crazy that my script already works and is exposed to alexa and all i want to do it remove the word “On” from the phrasing! lol.

I think the ON is a key work that Alexa hears to start turn on/off

you have the same problem with covers I can’t say “alexa open the garage door” Alexa stop that for security reason but I can say Alexa turn on garage door and it opens

So what would i do if i cant realistically use the word “on” in the phrase… for example:

“Alexa, TV bed up”
"Alexa, Rise TV Bed

Are there any other options other than creating virtual dimmers and associating it etc…