Can ANYONE tell me how to not have to reset the HA Alexa nodes all the time?
- What do you consider, “all the time”
- How are you integrating Alexa?
I use Alexa Media Player through HACS. As long as I dont reboot host, I almost never have to re-authorize. And the AlexaMediaPLayer integration
I also setup a simple check to send me push notification if I need to reauthorize.
I’m using the HACS media player through Node Red to send voice alerts. Sometimes it works for a couple of days, usually not more than one.
If you drag an Alexa Init node and then go into the properties of the server you have setup, what does yours look like?
FYI, this is the node red pallette im using.
FWIW, that’s the one I use as well (specifically the applestrudel fork, because the original is no longer maintained). I also have it configured to use the proxy method and it typically lasts, on average, 7-8 days before I have to re-authorize (for me it becomes evident something is amiss when it loses the ability to do TTS and the daily announcement isn’t heard).
Amazon appears to have some sort of curious connection algorithm because there seems to be a fair bit of variability in the reported number of days before re-authorization is needed.
FWIW, I tried the Alexa Media Player integration without its recommended use of two-factor authorization with Amazon. It only lasted about an hour or two before I had to re-authorize. Clearly I would need to use 2FA as recommended but I abandoned it because I can achieve more with alexa-remote2.
- Cakebaked is a fork of the original repo 586837r after its author abandoned it.
- Applestrudel is a fork of cakebaked after its author also abandoned it.
Good to know, thanks! I’ll switch over to it.