Alexa custom commands use questions

I have a few questions:

  • for the encryption. I already have a VPN through OpenVPN set up on my pi. Would this do for the encryption? I’m new to most of this secure connection stuff. I have certificates on my devices already. I wasn’t sure if this would count for the SSL required for echo or not.

Thank you for your help!

There’s a step when setting things up on the Alexa dev portal where it connects to your HASS install to confirm SSL. You could give that a try pretty easily to make sure things work as expected.

I ended up trying the LetsEncrypt route… I’ve posted my issues in this thread: Alexa unable to connect. HTTP 500 Error?

THank you for your help though! I wasn’t sure if the openvpn certificate was the correct type so I decided to just go the recommended route. If you have any help on the other thread it would be much appreciated. Sorry for the double post.