Hi there!
Something that’s really been missing for me over the years is to be able to use voice commands to do dynamic automations based on time, for example:
Turn {on} the {AC} in {1 hour}
Set the {bedroom AC} to {25} in {6 hours}.
Turn {off} the {computer} in {3 and a half hours}
Turn {off} the {TV} in {20 minutes}.
I searched around and even opened a topic regarding this but couldn’t find anything (if you know of any other solutions, let me know)
So I made one myself:
Any Alexa device, connected to HomeAssistant (so external https access enabled)
Amazon Alexa developer account (free)
Node-Red addon installed (with HomeAssistant component)
Difficulty: Low-Medium
That’s it
Instruction in the GitHub: GitHub - nirkons/alexadtf: Alexa dynamic times functions for HomeAssistant
Note that you may need to make specific changes to your setup, but all in all it should work generically
LMK what you think