Alexa fail's to connect to home assistant


Fist of all, apologies if i’m not posting on the right place,
I just start my journey at home assistant and I haven’t very knowledge on IT stuff.

I have follow the this tutorial in order to expose my devices from HA to Alexa,

I have done everithing until " Account Linking".
I have the skill on my alexa acount and when i try to run the skill it send me to the Home assistant login page.

After i add my login detail’s the alexa skill just show me the massage saying that was not possible to link the account.

On HA the event log just show “error” : “unmappableValue”

I have my external acess by duckdns and the seting that i used for the skill creation where the folowing:

Any idea what could be the issue and how to solve it ?

Thank you,

Hi Ajhomepn,

did you follow this? Set up encryption using Let's Encrypt - Home Assistant

if so then you don’t need the :8123 at the end.