Alexa Flash Briefing - Problem with configuration?

Hi all,
I had a look to the documentation to configure Alexa Flash Briefings, but I don’t get it working…
I can call the Feed URL from outside but the Skill itself does not work. I’ve tested the skill inside the alexa developer console, without any positive results.

Just to be sure I got it right:
My configuration.yaml has the following code:

    password: MY_PASSWORD
      - title: This is a test!
        text: Everything works!

The feed URL should be: https://MY_URL:443/api/alexa/flash_briefings/test_flash?password=MY_PASSWORD

Alexa comand will be: Alexa, this is a test…

I don’t know what else I can do / test.
Any suggestions?

Thank you!

I had a call with Amazon today. They have a known problem with Alexa Flash Briefings in the Alexa App. Due to that problem, it can not work. They’re already working on a fix.