Alexa Flash Briefing

So yesterday i could not get this working, I blamed my Let’s encrypt SSL. However today it is working perfectly? (if you have already tried and it would not work maybe try again)

But now I would like to make multiple briefings. How can this be done?
This works:

#Alexa Readback
      title: Home Assistant Status
      text: Currently the flat is at {{ states("sensor.inside_temp") }} degrees and there are {{ states("sensor.plex_server") }} people watching plex

But if i try and seperate out i get errors.

#Alexa Readback
      title: Flat Temperaute
      text: Currently the flat is at {{ states("sensor.inside_temp") }} degrees 
     title: People watching Plex
     text: There are {{ states("sensor.plex_server") }} people watching plex

I would like different feeds I can add Alexa and then call each separately or together.
Many thanks

plexread: on your example is missing a space maybe that’s the error you getting?

good spot!
Yes changed that and working now, such a stupid mistake but i did not notice it.
Many thanks.

Although today it won’t work and i cannot test other feeds, so i assume for what ever reason i was able to get it working has now stopped again.
(URL still working just the Amazon Console says feed error again as it did before, so guess Let’s encrypt issues not fixed after all)