Alexa (Haaska) Contact Sensors not responding to Alexa commands


I’ve added binary_sensors as Contact sensors to Alexa via Haaska.
They are recognised as contact sensors and show the correct state in the app, but on asking their state - “Alexa, is open/closed ?” , I get the response that the does not support that.

However, according to the Haaska documentation this should be supported.

These are Xiaomi door sensors added to HA through Zigbee2mqtt.

Any ideas ? Thanks

Well I don’t know about these Xiomi sensors, but I have a couple of ewelink based Wi-Fi door/window sensors that HA sees through Sonoff LAN by AlexxIT and are sent to Alexa through Haaska and they work perfectly. I ask Alexa if the door/window is open and responds as expected.

Nothing obvious, it looks like it is set up correctly. However I do notice from time to time that when I don’t pronounce the device’s name correctly, or Alexa doesn’t understand what I said correctly it will respond saying with some name of a device doesn’t support that. Maybe check Alexa’s history to make sure it matched your speech with your device name.

I am based in Australia, so my Alexa environment is en-AU as is my Haaska skill.
My Haaska skill endpoint is the jp endpoint with the Lambda function hosted in US West Oregon.
Might this be the reason for the issues ?

Did you ever sort this out? I’ve just implemented my own alexa skill which works great, but I have the same issue.