Alexa Integration - 403 when creating lambda function

I’m attempting to follow these instructions (Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill - Home Assistant).

When I get to the lambda function to set up Python as a runtime, I always get a 403 * Request failed with status code 403.

I know this isn’t a HA issue, but I’m wondering if something has changed and a new step or something needs to be completed? I have validated the role/permissions, I’m selecting the right region, US East N. Virgina, but can’t figure out why I’m getting the 403.

Lastly, If I select something like node.js vs python, it lets me create it fine. I also tried letting the function create a role instead of using the predefined role without any success. I also googled and checked my AWS health dashboard and don’t see any issues.

Has anyone else ran into this and can point me in the right direction?

been messing with this for a while now. Tried a different browser and it resolved the issue.