Every time I reboot ha tells me Alexa media reauthentication required. When I go to integrations page, Amazon Alexa is “discovered” I click on configure, verify email address and password is correct, then submit. I then get told aborted, Alexa media player failed to login.
I have uninstalled the add on, and re-installed, when I then try to configure I get the above. 2FA is not enabled this amazon account.
Does Anyone have any ideas?
Alexa app and my echo devices are working fine, and they have been for nearly 12 months.
Sorry to bring up a dead thread, but I too am having the “Alexa Media Reauthentication Required” which is strange because the 2fa code is correct as I can login to an incognito page with it. Really annoying.
I’m trying to log into amazon.co.uk for what it’s worth.
I have just had to do this myself, there is simple yet annoying logic to the process. Amazon will only accept the 2FA key for a certain length of time before reauthentication. If HA is working correctly, there should be a red box on the Integrations page that says reauthentication needed.
You have go through the 2FA process again, filling out the HA form with the long string you can get from Amazon:
Your Account/Account/Login & Security/Edit 2SV Settings/Add New Phone or Authenticator App/
When you are there click “Can’t scan the barcode” and copy the 2FA string. Apply that to the HA Amazon Integration form and make sure “legacy mode” is unchecked at the bottom. This should reengage HA to Amazon and you will be on your way.
It’s recommended that you turn on 2FA if you haven’t, it works better within HA as well as keeping your Amazon much more secure.
To add, make sure you get the string from the Authenticator App on Amazon’s page (13 sets of 4 letters). Don’t attempt to use the 6 digit code that is texted to you phone - it won’t work.
If this process is done, also make sure you have Nabu Casa set up and Amazon Integration activated on that page. Also double check that the skill is still enabled on the Alexa side.