Alexa Integration Stopped Running Home Assistant Scripts

The Alexa Integration through Nabu Casa Cloud has stopped running my Home Assistant scripts. When I call the script through Alexa, she responds with the OK tone but nothing happens. Running local voice through the mini-media player to the Echo devices works alright.

The scripts were working until a couple of weeks ago.

Since then, I have installed the updates as they arrived hoping that one of them would resolve the issue.
I have logged into my Home Assistant using SSH and confirmed that the scripts are listed in included_entities, and that scripts is listed in included_domains under the cloud: alexa: filter: section of configuration.yaml.
I have logged into my Nabu Casa account and checked that I can get to my Home Assistant remotely. I did this to prove the connection between my local Home Assistant and the Nabu Casa cloud.
I have logged into my Alexa account; Removed all Smart Home devices and scenes, and run Discovery (several times). This finds the scripts properly but, despite indicating that they have run OK, they do not. I would infer that this proves the connection between the Nabu Casa cloud and the Amazon Alexa cloud.

I think that my tests above have proved the connections from the Amazon Alexa cloud to the Nabu Casa cloud and from there to my local Home Assistant.

Does anyone have any suggestion about how to progress with determining the cause of this problem and resolving it, please? I am tearing my hair out (and anyone that knows me will tell you that 'baldy’ doesn’t have enough left to do that).

Many thanks in anticipation


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I have the same problem after two years working well.
Did you find a fix?


Hi Roberto,

Sorry that it has taken so long to respond to your question - I didn’t get any notification that you posted it.

Long story short; no, I haven’t resolved this issue and, given the complete lack of any useful response on this forum, I gave up on the issue and on this forum.

Good luck in finding a solution - perhaps, you’ll be more tenacious than I was.

All the best

I just encountered this issue after about 2 years of no issues.
It could be that I am on a old version but after reading this I’m starting to think otherwise.