Alexa integration - Unable to link the skill at this time

Notes: I already have Google integration setup and working 100%.

I am currently stuck at this point in the Alexa integration: Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill - Home Assistant

When I go to my phone to “enable to use” the skill, it says “Unable to link the skill at this time”. I have no idea why. The Lambda function tested successfully, and I restarted 3 times. The only odd thing I am doing is using port 40390 instead of the default 443, so my URLs would be:

and the BASE_URL would be [BASE_URL]

I do indeed have the port open as I can access my HA outside of my network. What am I doing wrong?

Hello [talormanda],
i have 100% the same problem.
I checked a other site (amazon) for help - but didn’t find a solution…
Maybe somebody can help us.

Or did you fix the problem?

I’m sure there is some cloud flare routing you can do to fix the issue, I chose to just forget about it for now.