Alexa intent_script embed Image in card

I would like to display an image on my Alexa echo show as a response to an intent from Home Assistant.
It is working for cards of type “simple”, I cannot make it work for type “standard” following this Alexa doc:

Did anyone successfully managed to ship an image back with an intent response? This is what I tried:

      text: ...
      type: standard
      title: Test
        smallImageUrl: https://xxx/local/test_1_s.png
        largeImageUrl: https://xxx/local/test_1.png
      text: test

Home assistant does not seem to ship the additional fields in the Alexa response:

	"body": {
		"version": "1.0",
		"response": {
			"outputSpeech": {
				"type": "PlainText",
				"text": "..."
			"shouldEndSession": true,
			"type": "_DEFAULT_RESPONSE"
		"sessionAttributes": {}