Alexa Intents Same Sample Utterances

Is it possible to have either of these with the same Sample Utterances?

  1. 2 Intents in the same skill with the same Sample Utterances?
    For example:
    ActivateSceneIntent and RunScriptIntent Intents

Then have these Sample Utterances
ActivateSceneIntent turn on {Scene}
RunScriptIntent turn on {Script}


  1. 2 seperate skills with the same Sample Utterances?
    For example:
    ActivateSceneIntent and RunScriptIntent Intents are seperate skills

Then have these Sample Utterances
ActivateSceneIntent turn on {Scene} – On the Scene Skill
RunScriptIntent turn on {Script} – On the Script Skill

Hi Tyler_Terzigni,

Yes, it is possible.

You could have multiple intents doing the same thing as well:
GarageDoorIntent = > Run scripts
RunScriptIntent = > Run scripts

From my experience [RunScriptIntent] is an intent name that maps to home assistant which tells it what to do. You can name it anything as long as it matches the configuration.

Look at intent examples from Arsaboo’s configuration:
