Alexa Media Player - available sound effects

Alexa Media Player lists various “known available sounds” sounds like bell_02 at Home · alandtse/alexa_media_player Wiki · GitHub, which can be triggered with media_player.play_media, e.g.

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: sound
  media_content_id: bell_02

However, it also links to “additional potential sounds” at Alexa Skills Kit Sound Library | Alexa Skills Kit. There’s a huge selection here, but none that I’ve tried have worked (except those already listed in 'known available").

The bell_02 sound seems to be equivalent to soundbank://soundlibrary/alarms/beeps_and_bloops/bell_02 here - yet the equivalent bell_01 and bell_03 do not work for me.

I feel I’m missing something here. Is there a way to play all of the sounds listed in the Alexa developer documentation using Alexa Media Player?

I’m using the soundlibrary this way:

    service: notify.alexa_media_echo_dot
      message: <audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/animals/amzn_sfx_cat_angry_meow_1x_01"/>


same issue. The standard door bell works but not the sounds from the amazon sound bank

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it works!
Go to: Developer tools > Actions
Choose Notifications: Send a notficacition via alexa_media_eco_XXXX

action: notify.alexa_media_echo_XXX
  message: >-

Yes but that will generate the announcement chime. I want to run the sound in a continuous loop without gaps and other sounds. So that option is a non starter for me