Alexa Media Player Integration Reconfiguration necessary

I have searched this forum and other places on the internet including the integration’s github.

After some updates last week, I started to get the “Reconfiguration required” message for each of the Alexa devices I have. At first, I tried reconfiguring, and even though it appears that the configuration worked, each device I reconfigured disappeared from the list. But then the reconfigure message reappears after a Home Assistant restart.

Has anyone else been seeing this too? Am I the only one? Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Running the latest Home Assistant

How… Many… times have you added it? Usually you only need the integration installed once? I’m wondering of that has something to do with it?

I believe that I delete the integration once when the errors began. I then reinstalled it. May have done it more than once :slightly_smiling_face:.

Maybe I didn’t delete it properly? Now I’m looking and I can’t even find a way to delete the integration. Do you know how to make it go away completely? Then I could try starting over.

Must have been something I’ve done otherwise a bunch of other people would be having the same problem.

I think I “fixed” it.

  1. In the Alexa Media Player integration page, second image above, I clicked the 3 dots and deleted all devices.
  2. Restarted Home Assistant
  3. I deleted the folder /config/custom_components/alexa_media/
  4. Restarted Home Assistant
  5. Added the Alexa Media Player integration from HACS
  6. Restarted Home Assistant
  7. Reauthenticated with Amazon
  8. Added all my Echo devices.

Seems to be OK after several restarts.

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