I have removed all the devices from Alexa application level. Now I would like to bring them back. How to do it? When I try to run device discovery, no devices are found. Looks like all those devices which were discovered earlier and removed cannot be used any more.
Is there any way to somehow reset this “removed” state for all those devices?
If you go into Configuration>Home Assistant Cloud there is an Alexa section. You can either choose your entities by going into Manage Entities or just sync what’s already there by clicking on Sync Entities To Amazon. That should repopulate the entities to Alexa.
I think you’ll find that should is the key word here. I have tried that multiple times, and also gone in and changed the entities that ‘should’ sync, but nothing ever does. Alexa says it finds no new devices, and there’s no feedback from the HA end at all when doing this.
I have previously done this, but it’s not working at all right now.
Discovery never works for me, devices just repopluate automatically in my setup (which is frustrating on a whole other level).
One other thing to try (I’m not sure if you’ve done this yet or not) is to remove the HA skill from your Alexa app, wait about 5-10 minutes for the AWS caches to clear and then re-add it again.
I usually see a message from the Alexa app saying ‘device xyz is now available in Alexa’. I hadn’t thought of killing it off on the Amazon end yet. I did just disable it in HA and then re-enable it, to no avail.
Is there a fix for this problem? I also deleted all devices because of “server not reachable” error with some devices. Then deactivated and reactivated the skill but the devices do not reappear. Interestingly one routine with a boolean-input-sensor (garage door entity) works as long as the skill is active though the device is not shown.
And another one bites the dust… Same problem, I think this is an issue with Alexa doing soft deletes and then when relinking “hiding” the devices. Really annoying, I am so sick of Alexa and Amazon’s shitty products. I have started setting up Wyoming satellites but still use Alexa for music and some other minor things. I wish I could flash all the echo’s to be Wyoming satellites!