Alexa not reacting to state change of input boolean

I’m trying to trigger an Alexa routine from HA. For this purpose, I have created an input_boolean in HA, which I have exposed to Alexa (via Haaska). Alexa does find the input_boolean and sets it up as a device. So this part is working just fine. However, when I create a routine in Alexa which should be triggered by the input_boolean switching to “open”, it doesn’t work. I can toggle the input_boolean in HA but Alexa does not seem to pick up the changed state and doesn’t fire the routine. Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?
Thanks and regards

I believe Alexa routines can only be triggered by entities with the device class “door”. I got a couple working by creating template sensors based on an input boolean:

  - binary_sensor:
      - name: test
        device_class: door
        state: >
            {% if is_state('input_boolean.test', 'off') %}
            {% elif is_state('input_boolean.test', 'on') %}
            {% endif %}

I tried this, too. Alexa does see the state change of the binary_sensor (with device class “door”), when I toggle the underlying input_boolean in HA. I can also use this binary_sensor as a trigger in an Alexa routine. However, the routine still doesn’t work. Nothing happens when the state of the door sensor changes. Very strange given that Alexa does see the correct state of the door sensor.

From doing some more reading, it appears as if this is due to the old Haaska integration, which I’m using. I have now abandoned the idea to trigger an Alexa routine using a HA input_boolean, but instead trigger the routine through Alexa media player.

I also have the same problem, I created a provider that is a condition and I want to activate it through Alexa and it was not allowed

What to do?