Alexa Notifications Issues

I have five Amazon devices (2 8" Shows, 1 5" diplay and 2 Dots).
After getting the integration to work again I am having problems with notifications.
If a notification is triggered it may play on 2 devices, if another is triggered it may play on three devices. I am stumpped. The devices that do not play do beep, but no message.

I have all my devices setup in a group and they are all connected in the Alexa app.

Here is one of my yaml’s for a notification. The core ACTION of the yaml calling for the Alexa device is the same for all my messages.

- id: "4183aae3-afbb-4a1c-b913-53ed6738590b"
  alias: "9 PM Medication Reminder"
  description: 9 PM Medication Reminder
    - at: "21:00:00"
      platform: time
  condition: []
    - service: media_player.volume_set
        volume_level: 0.2
      entity_id: media_player.everywhere
    - data:
        entity_id: group.alexa_devices
        media_content_id: amzn_sfx_trumpet_bugle_04
        media_content_type: sound
      service: media_player.play_media
    - data:
          method: speak
          type: announce
        message: It's now 9pm and you should probably take your medicine!
      service: notify.alexa_media_everywhere
  mode: single

Here is the group

  name: Alexa Devices
    - media_player.echo_5_master_bedroom
    - media_player.echo_dot_garage
    - media_player.echo_8_greatroom
    - media_player.echo_dot_guest_bedroom
    - media_player.echo_8_office

This message plays in my office, and the garage. It does make the devices that do not play beep (like it wants to say something). While my 8pm notice plays in the bedroom only.

What should I look at to solve this. No information in logs. Using Integration of Alexa v4.13.7.