Alexa Notifications via the new Drop-In feature

Is anyone looking into this to determine if this will pave the way to allow HA to use “drop-in” as a notification service? Or are we still limited because of the need to “wake” the device first and issue a command to receive the notifications?

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I was wondering how long it would take for someone to provide a ‘hack’ to use this feature as a avenue for push notifications. Will be interesting to see what develops.

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I did have a look at this, however drop-in is only currently supported on Amazon devices, and only in the US. If they update the Alexa Voice Kit to support drop in on third party devices then it would certainly be possible to achieve this using the raspberry pi version of the Alexa client.


I’d love to use my echos for notifications or tts anouncements! Hopefully they will expose this in some way…


Anybody made progress on this? (Alexa tts anouncements?)




Is there anything under development ? That would be amazing1


He guys,

I’m also into this topic.

I found today:

Maybe some of the devs can say if this is possible to use in Home Assistant

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