Alexa Random Exclamations

I have made a couple scripts, a helper, and an automation that use Alexa’s ability to say things with more emotion than the normal tts.

I have included nearly all of the 300 or so things she can say in the helper below. You can find the entire list at:
Amazon Alexa Developer page

It can be pretty funny to hear alexa saying random things when a window opens or whatever…

Here’s the input_select:

    name: Alexa Says
      - boom
      - bummer
      - good night
      - good morning
      - good riddance
      - buh bye
      - agreed
      - ah
      - aha
      - aw
      - hike
      - cha ching
      - wah wah
      - now now
      - no way
      - hiss
      - aww yeah
      - poof
      - nuh uh
      - checkmate
      - hiya
      - wahoo
      - ay
      - oh
      - jeez
      - aye
      - hmm
      - oh behave
      - baa
      - cheer up
      - watch out
      - oh boy
      - holy smoke
      - aw man
      - oh brother
      - cheerio
      - swish
      - pop
      - oh dear
      - cheers
      - honk
      - oh my
      - bah humbug
      - way to go
      - bam
      - oh snap
      - howdy
      - well
      - huh
      - clank
      - bang
      - awesome
      - ta da
      - oink
      - batter up
      - well done
      - hurrah
      - okey dokey
      - eureka
      - beep beep
      - ta ta
      - oof
      - jinx
      - fancy that
      - blah
      - ooh la la
      - puh-leeze
      - blarg
      - wham
      - fiddlesticks
      - oops
      - tee hee
      - blast
      - aww applesauce
      - blimey
      - open sesame
      - gadzooks
      - thanks for asking
      - boing
      - there there
      - bon appetit
      - rats
      - gee willikers
      - bon voyage
      - spoiler alert
      - mamma mia
      - bonjour
      - whee
      - whew
      - boo
      - geronimo
      - "read 'em and weep"
      - brrr
      - suit up
      - boo hoo
      - just kidding
      - booya
      - ribbit
      - bada bing bada boom
      - mm hmm
      - righto
      - ahem
      - ahoy
      - alas
      - bravo
      - squee
      - thump
      - man overboard
      - stunning
      - choo choo
      - coo
      - all righty
      - aloha
      - hurray
      - cock a doodle doo
      - well well
      - alrighty
      - cowabunga
      - anyhoo
      - aooga
      - click clack
      - "d'oh"
      - eek
      - eep
      - ding
      - ding ding ding
      - eh?
      - ditto
      - "april fools'"
      - argh
      - arr
      - excellent
      - pow
      - ooh
      - as if
      - drat
      - ehn
      - en gard
      - dude
      - good grief
      - tick tick tick
      - 'eh?'
      - giddy up
      - er
      - good luck
      - really
      - meow
      - good call
      - giddyap
      - swoosh
      - merci
      - as you wish
      - attagirl
      - au revoir
      - good evening
      - hear hear
      - chirp
      - oh well
      - great
      - heave ho
      - look out
      - great scott
      - shush
      - whammo
      - "just joshin'"
      - splash
      - shucks
      - ha 
      - quack
      - gee
      - magnificent
      - ha ha
      - gee whiz
      - hardy har har
      - splendid
      - 'you rang?'
      - he shoots he scores
      - yowza
      - heads up
      - yowzer
      - yuck
      - yum
      - va va voom
      - very
      - voila
      - vroom
      - hey now
      - hi-yah
      - high five
      - sheesh
      - shh
      - shiver me timbers
      - shoot
      - moo
      - my bad
      - my goodness
      - schwing
      - roger
      - ruh roh
      - kidding
      - knock knock
      - ping
      - she shoots she scores
      - kerthump
      - plop
      - katchow
      - tweet
      - kapow
      - phooey
      - whoops
      - kaching
      - yeehaw
      - kaboom
      - kablam
      - zowie
      - yabba dabba do
      - totes
      - whoops a daisy
      - zoom
      - phew
      - goodbye
      - whoa
      - you bet
      - whoo ah
      - zoinks
      - wowzer
      - gosh
      - yahoo
      - touche
      - zing
      - wowza
      - gotcha
      - oy
      - gracious me
      - dum
      - you go girl
      - tsk tsk
      - wow
      - dynomite
      - uh oh
      - ugh
      - ow
      - zap
      - whoosh
      - woof
      - uh huh
      - woo
      - dang
      - woo hoo
      - darn
      - ouch
      - bazinga
      - bing
      - behold
      - bingo
      - kersplat
      - encore
      - abracadabra
      - kerpow
      - kerplunk
      - good afternoon
      - absolutely
      - good
      - golly
      - kerflop
      - kerchoo
      - 'no'
      - kerbam
      - kerboom
      - kazaam
      - um
      - jeepers creepers
      - yay
      - interesting
      - yeah
      - yikes
      - yoink
      - indeed
      - yoo hoo
      - huzzah
      - achoo
      - ack
      - "i'm totally kidding"
      - inconveivable

This automation is triggered by a change to the input select. It runs a simple script I have included further down.

alias: Alexa input select triggers say script
description: ''
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.alexa_says
condition: []
  - service: script.alexa_say
    data: {}
mode: single

This is the script that feeds the exclamation to an alexa device or devices:

  alias: Alexa Say
  - condition: template
    value_template: '{{ states(''input_select.alexa_says'') != '''' }}'
  - service: notify.alexa_media
      message: <say-as interpret-as="interjection">{{ states('input_select.alexa_says')
        type: tts
      target: media_player.echo_show_5
  1. The last script picks something from the input_select.alexa_says randomly.
  2. The automation is triggered by the change to the helper state.
  3. Its action is to run the script.alexa_say .
  4. The script.alexa_say feeds the exclamation to an alexa device.
  5. She says something random!
  - service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.alexa_says
      option: "{{ state_attr('input_select.alexa_says', 'options')\n    | reject('eq',\
        \ states('input_select.test'))\n    | list | random }}\n"
  mode: single
  alias: Alexa Says Random

Tourettes tts. Fantastic.

What a pointless way to respond to someone else’s work.

Look I fully accept that for sufferers tourettes is not a joke, but the op did refer to the implementation being funny.

For the record, great implementation, and interesting.

Thank you!

10 out 10 bro

I understand how the its works


Question why the \n what manual should I be reading

That’s just a new-line/carriage-return symbol, often templates that you have meticulously formatted for human legibility like:

  option: >
    {{ state_attr('input_select.alexa_says', 'options')
    | reject('eq', states('input_select.test'))
    | list | random }}

will be (annoyingly) reformatted by VSCode.

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cool bro thanks for the lession