is there a method to get alexa’s skills from home assistant?
I was interested in recalling the thieves’ hunt skill when I am away from home, perhaps activating it with a boolean input
If you create a routine on the alexa app
Give it a name
With alexa say use the name or it can be anything AAA it doesnt really matter your not going to say it
In actions
Launch the skill.
Save it
Run the routine if it works great
with alexa_media player integration you can launch the routine check the wiki on github for more info.
Wont work if the routine is based on a device trigger or something has to happen.
where is the link?
You know you can access alexa through the app itself? Voice commands and the routines have a play button. Why even bother with HA if you are going to manually activate it?
EDIT: Disregard, apparently i can’t see.
I wanted to activate by doing a long press on a key of the xiaomi and when leaving the house activate the skill of alexa hunt for thieves
If you have a NodeRed server, you can use the alexa-remote2 nodes to get an array of all enabled skills:
yes i’ve nodered. could you pass me the code?
Make sure you add the node-red-contrib-alexa-remote2 package:
[{"id":"5fcdfdb8.7c729c","type":"tab","label":"Flow 5","disabled":false,"info":""},{"id":"e9e29295.fba7b","type":"alexa-remote-other","z":"5fcdfdb8.7c729c","name":"Get Skills","account":"5e19a893.d191e8","config":{"option":"get","value":{"what":"skills"}},"x":1040,"y":80,"wires":[["3e6c1dd9.c82002"]]},{"id":"1d308f14.bd3d09","type":"inject","z":"5fcdfdb8.7c729c","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":860,"y":80,"wires":[["e9e29295.fba7b"]]},{"id":"3e6c1dd9.c82002","type":"debug","z":"5fcdfdb8.7c729c","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","x":1250,"y":80,"wires":[]},{"id":"5e19a893.d191e8","type":"alexa-remote-account","z":"","name":"","authMethod":"proxy","proxyOwnIp":"","proxyPort":"3456","cookieFile":"/home/pi/.node-red/alexa.proxy","refreshInterval":"0.125","alexaServiceHost":"","amazonPage":"","acceptLanguage":"en-US","userAgent":"","useWsMqtt":"on","autoInit":"on"}]
Coffee… The correct answer is always more coffee!
I have this in the picture. how do i start a skill from alexa?
this is the information of the skill
53: object
id: “amzn1.ask.skill.05a82b6e-d713-4c40-9191-437b729b0e78”
name: “Caccia i ladri”
type: “CUSTOM”
Use the Alexa Routine node:
You actually don’t even need the list of skills as once your account is connected, the list will auto-populate.
To get what you want (launch a skill when you aren’t home/input_boolean turned on). If the input_boolean is on (as exposed via the event-state node), then call the skill via the alexa-routine node.
ok now i try thank you
hey Guys - I am hoping to automate white noise with my alexas around the house… hopefully to trigger a ‘sleep sound’ ‘skill’… could this be triggered by a routine?
yes in node red
Hi @matteos1 - thanks! are you aware of any threads or tutorials for sending node red commands to Alexa? I see a lot of discussions for the other way (custom commands from Alexa to HA)… trying to go the other way and can’t grasp how.