Alexa Skill to display Lovelace dashboards on Echo Show

Thanks very much!

I hope you can help me out, I followed all the steps (twice now) but I can’t get it to work.
The most I get is a respons “You just triggered AMAZON.FallbackIntent.”

It won’t open my dashboard, what might I have done wrong?

That’s a difficult question :sweat_smile: In general, the FallbackIntent is triggered when an utterance fits no intent of the skill. Is the sample utterance in the OpenPageIntent correct? What happens when you just open the skill (i.e. when you say Alexa, open <skill name>)?

I got as far as "replace the content of the" but could not find it in CODE. :frowning: 

What files do you see?

not…that’s for sure.

I’ll check but it seems like I hit a deadend

I suspect you left the default NodeJS template selected instead of changing to python. In the step “For the model select “Custom” and for the backend select “Alexa-hosted (Python)”” You have to scroll down the bottom and select the Python one… otherwise it will default to the NodeJS. I did the same thing last night. I just deleted the skill and recreated it again selecting Python this time.

btw - love the work @aldadic ! it’s going to allow me to take the fire 7 tablet off the counter which will increase the WAF score.

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I had some issues today with the skill. The issue was that the AMAZON.NUMBER slot stopped handling integers and now only works with the respective word. For example:

Alexa, tell dashboard viewer open page 3

won’t work because it should be

Alexa, tell dashboard viewer open page three

Keep this in mind when using routines to trigger the skill.

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Will this work for a show 15 too?

Yes. I’m using it on my Echo Show 15.

Wish I could get it working on my new Echo Show 15. It’s not the fault of this skill, however, for some reason it won’t launch Silk at all. Either by voice, clicking one of the Video icons that rely on Silk (like YouTube) or this skill. I’m currently in Amazon support hell trying to get the device RMA’d. Did a factory reset and it still acts the same.

Works great on my old gen 1 Echo Show 10 though!

First of all many thanks for this awesome skill!

This stupid address bar is the only thing, which would be great to get rid of. Since I am a developer myself (unfortunately only for SAP stuff) I was researching a lot to find a solution for that.

However, the only thing I found was the “Alexa Web API for Games”

Do you think, we could use this, to display the dashboard (at least for the https Nabu Casa site)?

I wish I would understand this whole skill development better and could help.

Many thanks in advance for checking.

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a new option/solution work now “Alexa Skill - MyPage”:
now you can use the Browser directly with the Home Assistant Link

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with new FireTV Update, working the Echo Show 15 perfect with the HA mobil App:


Very nice skill, thanks! Is there a way to avoid the Alea is telling “here silk” ( or whatever, I’m using in Italian, not sure the exact sentence in English) when the trigger is correctly activated via HA showing again on the echo the silk page, so HA dashboard? I see this pretty annoying, in particular during the night :wink: Thanks!

I’m a little confused because there is no voice feedback at all when I open a page with the skill. I’ve only ever heard “This is Silk” from Alexa when I’ve opened the browser the “normal” way by saying “Alexa, open Silk”. But that shouldn’t happen when using the skill.

hi, thanks for your reply. Basically I have Alexa voice saying “this is Alexa” every 10 min, so timing I set in HA automation (I added the blueprint), despite the page is already on ha dashboard. I’m trying to understand why it should say every time the message.

Unfortunately I have no idea why Alexa would say something in this situation. As I said, there should not be any voice output from the skill. Because you mentioned the blueprint, I assume that you have a routine that opens the skill. Maybe the voice output comes from the routine. Otherwise I’m out of ideas.

I’ve tried following this thread… Can I get some confirmation that the SILK browser stays up indefinitely once requested?
I.e, is it good for a dashboard, or is it only temporary?

It’s only temporary. Fire TV changes don’t change the operation of Silk. They do allow you to sideload Fully Kiosk Browser (or other software) which doesn’t have these time limits. I can confirm that FKB does not close unless you close it.

Thanks appreciate the info…
I will either hope they bring FTV to the show 8, or I’ll try Home Assistant cast on the nest hub.