Yesterday my Alexa Smart Home Skill stopped working… and I don’t know why.
After checking some posts, I deleted it, also deleted lambda function, and create them again, following steps at Amazon Alexa Smart Home Skill - Home Assistant
The issue comes here: when I test the lambda function, I got an error:
“errorMessage”: “HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘heremydomain(dot)duckdns(dot)org’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /api/alexa/smart_home (Caused by ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7f4b6c0a0670>, ‘Connection to heremydomain(dot)duckdns(dot)org timed out. (connect timeout=10.0)’))”,
“errorType”: “MaxRetryError”,
And also, I’ve I tried to link the skill to my account in Alexa app, I always get the same error: try it later. I think both issues are related
After some research, I’ve found that if I test the lambda function with my IP address instead of my duckdns(dot)org domain, it works. But not with domain, which is need to link account to skill (token URI).
I’ve verified my domain on duckdns and it’s OK. Through a web browser, I can access to HA using duckdns(dot)org domain, and also with the companion app. It’s only from AWS where I can’t access, and as I told you it stopped working suddenly yesterday.
Some more info,
- HA Version: 2024.12.2, Docker version on Ubuntu Server 24.04
- duckdns(dot)orgdomain active and alive, with a Let’s encrypt certificate valid until February. Accessible from any place, and currently I’m using it in the companion app, so… it’s OK that domain
- I’ve tested the same “POST” callout of lambda function with Postman and works perfectly.
- In AWS Cloud Shell, curl command also gives a timeout
I think that for any reason, callouts to duckdns(dot)org from my AWS account does not work, because outside AWS, curl command works, but not in AWS.
Someone can help me? Thanks guys!