Alexa tts for needed baby steps

Have you gone thru the steps to authenticate with your Amazon account and do your Echo’s show up as media_players in HA?

I dont see them in the Overview panel, but I did follow the steps with the HA skill via the cloud etc. Is there something else I have to do?

I’m not sure what this is. This component is not related to HA cloud at all.

can you post a link to the instructions you followed to get it set up?

Not being snarky but there are no instructions on that page to install/copy the code you posted above. That has nothing to do with the alexa media component.

You need to be following the instructions here:

Thanks, I pasted my config (thats how I got my config setup like that from the page you linked). Again copied the files in raw format.

I was posting the link you ask about for setting up my Alexa. I dont see any alexa media player anywhere in the UI…none.

I have no idea what just happened, but the cloud service just refreshed and now my echos are showing up and forced captcha on me - it is now working.

Thank you.

Now I need to replicate all of this without the cloud (only using the 30 day trial). I understand that the component has nothing to do with the cloud, but obviously HA was not detecting the physical devices without the cloud active.

Your device entry is wrong. When the service discovers it the spaces are removed.
You meed to look either in states (<>) or the entity Registry to copy the exact name.

I cannot access my HA right now. From memory, mine is called Bruce's Echo Dot but the entity is bruce_s_echo_dot the device entry needs to match what HA found.

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I really don’t think the two are linked in any way at all.

Maybe you just had some sort of network snafu.

But I’m glad it’s working.

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Ok just a little update.

I disconnected the cloud and all echo devices still showed up. BUT, I changed to…

      - "master_bedroom"
      - "kitchen_echo"
      - "computer_room_echo_dot"

rebooted and all devices were gone. Changed back to…

      - "Master Bedroom"
      - "Kitchen Echo"
      - "Computer Room Echo Dot"

rebooted and all devices showed back up. Argggg. frustrating. Feels like magic.

Cloud has nothing to do with it… Mine was expired when i installed this… Just follow the steps from te beginning of this post , i struggled also, and you should be able to get things going.

@Fifke - I get it man - I already acknowledged that the cloud has nothing to do with it :slight_smile: I am trying to show that naming them a flattened HA name versus the true alexa name is not correct. I just showed that using the name WITH spaces works.

It works indeed.

Have you tried naming it bruces echo dot , with bruces just being one word? Or just change the name like this in Alexa app

Hi there,

I have installed the Alex Media Player through the integrations page on Hassio. Then logged into my account through it. Once I have done this is shows all my amazon devices and I can then add them into the lovelace of HA.

When I then click on any of them and run the text to speak option to test it my echo just says "sorry text to speech can only be called with the notify.alex_media service.

I have also setup an automation to test the speaking but nothing happens. I have used the examples in this thread but no luck.

If there anything I am doing wrong or something I need to do. I just want to test it by sending a message for the echo to speak but after hours I still have no luck with it.

Another note. If i add an alexa fire stick (my lounge one) that i can see on the integrations page into my lovelace. When i click on this and press the power button for example nothing happens with the fire stick it does not power on or shut down.

I would be very grateful for any help on this.

Just an update,

I started HA this morning and there was an update for Alexa Media Player. I updated and then restarted HA and now the tts is working when i run with through a service.

The lovelace card for my fire tv stickiss still unresponsive when trying to press the power button etc.

could you help me set up an automation for door open thanks tts alexa