Alexa TTS - I’m having trouble accessing your Simon says EU skill right now

I’m having trouble making alexa talk - I get
“I’m having trouble accessing your Simon Says EU skill right now”
what ever I do

I am NOT using DuckDNS -
I am NOT using a letsencript cert - Sectigo RSA

I’m hoping that someone has solved this

YAML code is below - Chime plays ok but TTL I get the error

I get the same message if I ‘try’ on nabu casa



alias: Doorbell2
description: “”

  • action: media_player.play_media
    entity_id: media_player.lounge
    media_content_id: amzn_sfx_doorbell_chime_01
    media_content_type: sound
    metadata: {}
  • action: tts.speak
    metadata: {}
    cache: true
    media_player_entity_id: media_player.lounge
    message: work
    entity_id: tts.home_assistant_cloud
    mode: single

Did you ever find a solution, I am getting the exact same feedback. Mine sounds like “Simon says not(?) skill right now.”

I think it’s “NA” for North America. The error message can be caused by a bunch of different things… tell us what you were doing and we may be able to provide some guidance.

Some possible causes:

  1. Issue on Amazon’s side.
  2. Exceeding your allotted number of API calls.
  3. Improper file encoding or length when playing an MP3 via a notification.

Thank you. I’ll do my best to describe what I am doing. I am using the chime_tts and elevenlabs services. I have taken elevenlabs out of the equation, but I still receive the Simon Says warning. I have added a chime mp3 to the config/www/custom_audio folder of my HA configuration. And reflected that in my chime_tts service config for a custom folder. I have access to HA outside my network via the Cloudflared add-on. And I have looked up the mp3 specs for Alexa and I think I have converted it correctly. Conversion settings to 48kbps. 24khz. and it is a two second chime. I think I have done everything correctly, but I may be missing something with the MP3 conversion. (done via Apple Music library). I welcome any input on where I may be going wrong.

Edit: To make a liar out of me, it started working when I tried it again. I don’t understand why, but I am happy it finally worked. My last troubleshooting I added from the chime_tts GitHub documentation.

  external_url: "https://[REPLACE WITH YOUR PUBLIC ADDRESS]:8123/"
  internal_url: "http://[REPLACE WITH YOUR LOCAL IP ADDRESS]:8123/"

to my configuration file. It didn’t seem to work at first, same error, but maybe it took a few minutes to process after it rebooted the last time.