Alexa TTS: only one out of three Alexa Echo is working

Hi everybody!

I have three Alexa Echo Dots and tried to use TTS, but it’s only working for one of the echos. I tried all kinds of yaml-Code - it’s always working with the one echo, the other two won’t work.

Did someone has a similiar issue?

My code is working, since with one Echo everything is working super smoothly. It’s just that the other two don’t react on TTS…

Someone an idea?

service: notify.alexa_media_echo_dot_arbeitszimmer
  message: Test
    type: announce
    method: all

This question once had driven me mad - since I noticed that one device was muted (aka do-not-disturb). Maybe…?

Thanks for the input - that was not the case. But I found the solution:

I deleted the two not working echo dots from the alexa app, unplugged them, did a reset of the echos dots and added them again to the alexa app - and then it finally worked!

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Glad to hear!

Same problem over here : some echos wouldn’t respond to tts/announce commands tested through the Developer Tools/Services tab.
I had to simply unplug/replug the Echos to make them work :smile_cat:

For info, here are 3 ways to make them speak :

service: notify.alexa_media
  message: 'hello humans'
    type: announce #announcement preceded by a chime
service: notify.alexa_media_kitchen
  message: 'hello humans'
    type: tts
# from the sound library
service: notify.alexa_media_kitchen
  message: <audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/musical/amzn_sfx_trumpet_bugle_03"/>
    type: tts
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