Alexa unable to connect to host

I have set up the Alexa/Echo component. I have also set up the skill on Amazons developer service. I am getting a message from the Echo that it is unable to connect. The exact error from the echo is

Request Identifier amzn1.echo-api.request.**************

A connection could not be established to Resource
[https://myexternalhost*/api/alexa?api_password=mypassword], Type [HTTP]

Did you configure HA to use SSL and are your certificates valid?

They are valid but self signed my next step was to try doing it with a signed cert

I did have some trouble with self signed certs myself and just switched over to letsencrypt free SSL-cert. Worked perfectly for me.

I am using Letsencrypt SSL certificate on Ubuntu and works really good.

I don’t think AWS allows for self-signed certs, even in dev mode. I know it definitely wouldn’t allow it for a published skill.

You can use self signed but you have to provide the private key iirc. At least for not published skills

Didn’t know that - good piece of info Phyber!

I have it working now. Looks like I may have had the port-forwarding wrong on my firewall. Changed that as well as a signed cert and everything is working fine now.