Alexa will not find HA zigbee switches

I have a few switches that I added to home assistant and my Amazon Alex found them right away. But I have to removed them all from my zigbee controller and add them again due to some problems. This time I can them proper names. But, my Alexa is not finding them any more.

I just made a huge move from Smartthings to a zigbee and Zwave controller in HA. I went in to smartthings and Alexa and deleted all of the old Smartthings devices. I just need to get all the new ones that I have moved over to HA in Alexa now.

Not sure what I am missing.


Nabu casa. You need ha cloud service to integrate ha devices with alexa. Or you can try to setup alexa integration yourself.

Good morning, yes I have nuba casa running. That is how I access my HA from outside my network.

Than you have setup it with alexa. Check docs. You can expose entities which alexa can control and in mob app you will have your devices.