Alexa without Cloud, setup and account linked but Alexa doesn't find any devices

Hello all,

I’ve been struggling to get Alexa and HA working together. I have gotten the AWS, Alexa, Lamda functions, etc all setup and working correctly. Running the test function in lamba for discover devices returns all the devices in Alexa but after linking the HomeAssistant Dev app in the Alexa app the discover devices does not find anything.

  • Tuya Smart is linked to Alexa, I have tried without it linked and removed the devices as well.
  • I’m using LocalTuya on HA with automations and manually switching light\colors working.
  • Scenes are not showing up in Alexa app either so I don’t think it’s related to Tuya or the smart devices.
  • I had done the 1 month trial of the Cloud app for Alexa and that did work and discovered the devices, it put duplicates into the Alexa app as well (was able to see Test Bulb 1 twice, once connected via TuyaSmart and once connected by HomeAssistant.
  • I have tried a few different configurations and restart and\or relinked\rediscovered devices each time.

As well as adding api: before that as well.

Not sure where to go from here or even how to get logs or troubleshoot. Any ideas would be helpful! Thanks!

Did you ever get this sorted? I have the exact same issue.

Same here. No home assistant devices or scenes showing in Alexa app for iOS

same here!
did any body find a solution?

Also having same problem. I tried a different guide for “emulated hue” as well but both just end up showing no devices in the alexa app.

Can’t get this working either. No devices discovered.