I setup a small script that simply turns on my office lights and named it “good morning office”. I made sure to expose the script to Alexa and it shows up immediately as a Scene in my Alexa app. However when I say “Alexa, good morning office” the Echo just plays the generic “buh buh” sound and nothing happens. If I run the script from HA, the lights turn off as expected. Any ideas?
Running scripts requires specific utterances. Like “Alexa run good morning office”. Or “Alexa turn on good morning office”.
If you want specific utterances, just make a routine.
I could have sworn I had this all working last year without having to qualify it with “run” or something like that. But I’ll check if that works when I’m back in my office in a bit. I’m avoiding making Alexa routines because 1) the HA interface is much better when doing complex if/then conditions, and 2) I don’t want to pull in all of my entities to Alexa.
Just have the routine start the script. That’s all I do
Yup, that works! And now that I went through that, I’m thinking this is how I set it up before. Thanks for your help!