Alexbelgium repo : 90+ addons

Hi everyone,

I want to enable autobuilds but can’t due to this bug in supervisor : home-assistant/supervisor#3414. This bug causes all addons updates to fail if I enable auto builds.

Could please all go like the supervisor issue first post, to increase its visibility and encourage one of the devs to solve the supervisor bug?

So, if you want to help please like the supervisor issue so it is taken care off by the devs, allowing me to enable autobuilds and allowing all the nice things coming with it : less sd wear, faster updates, decrease backup size, ensuring it works on supervised installations without weird tweaks, allowing me to check if builds succeed directly when updating instead of you testing it when local building…

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Hi Alex,

Can you not just list it as a breaking change and suggest people manually rebuild or uninstall-reinstall the Images? It doesn’t break existing installs if you convert them to auto update, only the update(and only if auto-update selected)? Am I understanding that correctly?

I vaguely bumped into this the other day with Emby. I needed to update to get a feature to work.

:+1: added to the report

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Hi, that would be a solution but some addons store data internally in /data, so not all addons could simply uninstall and reinstall without data loss. And in installing and reinstalling fully is the only way to avoid the bug : if I activate image builds on an already installed addon, the supervisor still tries to locally build it. The addon then can’t launch, as it hasn’t downloaded the precompiled image and fails with an “image not found” error.

And given that I allow customization of the data path for some other add ns, people would have to ensure that they readd their same exact path to the config to avoid data loss.

I am not sure how many users are using my addons as locally building addons don’t allow to keep stats, but I fear that it would lead to a flood of issues on various addons… That’s why I’ve refrained so far to do this, and am just waiting for the dev to solve the supervisor bug… Which I am sure will benefit all addons builder and not just myself :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the feedback. I checked and you’re right, i only get the error when i use https. I didnt realise i had turned off SSL in the config. Once i enabled it again it works fine with https.

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Hi there, thanks for this replacement for the community add on.

I’ve installed, with default config. I’m using https in the HA GUI.

When I click the Portainer icon in the side panel or click ‘open web ui’ I get the error “502: Bad Gateway”. I understand this has something to do with Ingress? I think Portainer is running, and has picked up a backed-up .tar file from the /share folder, and run an image.

Any ideas on what I need to change to get access to the Portainer UI? Do I need to open port 9443? How do I do that?

Logs below.

[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
 Add-on: Portainer
 Manage your Docker environment with ease
 Add-on version: 2.11.1-2
 You are running the latest version of this add-on.
 System: Home Assistant OS 7.5  (amd64 / generic-x86-64)
 Home Assistant Core: 2022.3.7
 Home Assistant Supervisor: 2022.03.5
 Please, share the above information when looking for help
 or support in, e.g., GitHub, forums
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[14:00:40] INFO: Ssl enabled, please use https for connection
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] executing... 
[cont-init.d] exited 0.
[cont-init.d] done.
[services.d] starting services
[services.d] done.
[03:00:41] INFO: Starting Portainer...
[14:00:41] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
[03:00:41] INFO: ssl enabled. If webui don't work, disable ssl or check your certificate paths
[03:00:41] INFO: ... ssl activated
[03:00:41] INFO: ... password set to default
[03:00:41] INFO: ... portainer launched
INFO 2022/03/25 03:00:41 Encryption key file `portainer` not present
INFO 2022/03/25 03:00:41 Proceeding without encryption key
INFO 2022/03/25 03:00:41 Loading PortainerDB: portainer.db
INFO 2022/03/25 03:01:43 Opened existing store
INFO 2022/03/25 03:01:49 Instance already has defined environments. Skipping the environment defined via CLI.
INFO 2022/03/25 03:01:49 Instance already has an administrator user defined. Skipping admin password related flags.
2022/03/25 03:01:49 server: Reverse tunnelling enabled
2022/03/25 03:01:49 server: Fingerprint 7f:85:50:6b:3a:96:42:29:cd:ea:99:4d:60:a6:5f:38
2022/03/25 03:01:49 server: Listening on
INFO 2022/03/25 03:01:49 [INFO] [cmd,main] Starting Portainer version 2.11.1
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:49 [DEBUG] [chisel, monitoring] [check_interval_seconds: 10.000000] [message: starting tunnel management process]"
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:49 [DEBUG] [internal,init] [message: start initialization monitor ]"
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:49 [INFO] [http,server] [message: starting HTTPS server on port :9443]"
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:49 [INFO] [http,server] [message: starting HTTP server on port]"
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:49 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:01:49] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28
[14:01:51] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:51 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:01:51] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28
[14:01:52] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:52 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:01:52] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28
[14:01:54] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:54 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:01:54] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28
[14:01:57] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:01:57 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:01:57] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28
[14:02:00] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:02:00 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:02:00] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28
[14:02:06] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:02:06 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:02:06] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28
[14:02:09] INFO: Waiting for port 9443 to open...
level=info msg="2022/03/25 03:02:09 http: TLS handshake error from unexpected EOF"
[14:02:09] INFO: Starting NGinx...
nginx: [emerg] unexpected ":" in /etc/nginx/servers/ingress.conf:28

The supervisor log also has:

22-03-25 14:07:20 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.api.ingress] Ingress error: Cannot connect to host ssl:default [Connect call failed ('', 1337)]

Hi, thanks for reporting. It was just that I implemented codenotary signature for all my addons which introduced faulty code for some addons for a couple hours.

Now codenotary is full implemented (all addons are signed) and the code is corrected for the broken addons but I’m sorry that you installed it during the couple hours where it was broken.

I’ll push a new version, just update and it will work again! Thanks!

Ha! Thanks. That’s an easy fix for me.

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Hi, I haven’t posted here for a while but there are now 60 addons in the repo. The initial post is updated with the full list

The latest modifications were :

  • Inclusion of Ingress for Emby (in a beta state) and Jellyfin
  • addition of codenotary signature for all addons
  • Addition of : TPlink Omada controler ; FireflyIII data importer ; FireflyIII lints importer ; Zoneminder ; Tdarr ; Paperless Ngx ; overseer

Switch to full image-based addons while be done once this big supervisor bug is solved (Addon erroneously builds locally instead of downloading image when updating from local built addon · Issue #3414 · home-assistant/supervisor · GitHub). There doesn’t seem to be much interest in dev to solve this so if anyone with python knowledge wants to have a try they are more than welcome to troubleshoot it and propose a PR to the supervisor github !

Thanks everyone


Addition of calibre with ingress

Great to see someone made a TPlink Omada add-on :slight_smile:
This one is production ready ? And any ideao how to migrate (backup / restore ?) from existing VM ?

Hi, thanks! Actually, I don’t use most of my addons regularly. However, the feedback that I received is that everything is working : [Request] TP-Link Omada Controller · Issue #286 · alexbelgium/hassio-addons · GitHub

Please try and let me know if there are any issues! I don’t know omada enough to say whether (and how) it is possible to migrate, though

Given that all config folders are exposed, perhaps just copying your database and data in the exposed folders could work but i have no guarantees :slight_smile:

Hi, did I configure the Emby NAS incorrectly? I encounter error “s6-overlay-suexec: fatal: can only run as pid 1” when I try to start the add-on. I left the PGID/PUID as 1000 respectively

Argh that’s the new HA default setting of s6 supervision that is interfering… I’ll probably have to adapt all addons then. Thanks for reporting

With the latest HA update most of my addons died… I don’t know when I will be able to solve this as it will be very complex. Don’t update HA if you need to use my addons…

Just out of my personal experience: use Jellyfin instead of Emby. It is much more evolved than Emby, and the team behind is great!
Btw. Jellyfin was born out of the strange politics Emby invented a few years ago, and some people didn’t like the closed source approach of Emby and forked the repo and started Jellyfin. They did a really great job in pushing Jellyfin further, and they did a lot of security related stuff as well.


Oh, that was easier than expected. Solved in “”

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Thanks for the info. I’ve got a paid version of emby and personally love it, including the addons to integrate it in libreelec. Some things are annoying, like the permanently broken download feature on the android app, but otherwise it work great. One day I’ll probably try jellyfin! Have fun with the addons


Ok, all addons based on linuxserver were updated! I’ve tested 3-4 and they seem to work fine on latest system. Please report here (or preferably on github) if you encounter any similar issues and I’ll update the addon! Thanks


We really can’t set volumes for addons? So unless we use samba, we are forced to use whatever volume the docker container is created in? Im wanting to set volumes paths for readarr, radarr, etc, like you normally would with docker. Hmm, this has to be possible because those have to integrate with something like nzb get where storage paths will be shared. I must be missing something simple.

Hi, indeed this is an HA limitation… You can only use very specific shared directories such as /config, /share, /media. Smb mounts can’t be done at os level, which means they must be done for each addon container separately… That’s specific restrictions induced by HA for security purposes