Alexbelgium repo : 90+ addons

I can’t see addon because of my HASS version (I m running on docker), But I would like add wour repo in hacs

Add-ons don’t appear in/use HACS…

HACS is for custom components not Add-ons…they’re different. Add-ons are individual apps in its own Container running on your OS, Custom Components are Integrations in Home Assistant…

(That’s how I understand it anyway)


Here are instructions :

Hi, btw watch-out that those addons are experimental, and often require a bit of workable knowledge to make them work optimally… And I barely have enough time to maintain them so I can’t provide much support

Is the Piwigo add-on still available? It is not showing up for me and I am already running a few of your other add-ons so I know the repository is installed.

Still there in GitHub anyway…

Appears in my Add-ons list too when I go to install it…

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Hi, it has “stage”: “experimental”, so perhaps you need to activate a setting to have it appear

Found it, apparently I did not have advanced mode turned on for the username I was using. Turning that on displayed a bunch more add-ons.

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anyone using photoprism addon? if so, how do i schedule the indexing to run automatically?


First thanks for so many useful addons!! I’m using arspoof, qbittorrent, nextcloud and now i’m trying to use piwigo, but after the installation page I got an error 500. I’ve set up a mariaDB user and changed the Web UI Port to 8887. My HA with this addon and mariaDB addon runs on This is how I configure the installation page, after clicking on “Empezar la instalación” (“start installation”) I got the error 500 page :frowning:

Any ideas will be appreciated!

Could you please try again? I’ve corrected some parts of the code thanks

Thanx for your response!

Updated to version 13.5.0-7 but no difference :frowning:

Hi @alexbelgium,

First of all, thanks for that tremendous work! I am quite impressed by myelectricaldata and grdf2mqtt addons.

I got one question for you please. For grdf2mqtt data, I got an error in the log which I can’t debug:

Using config file found in /config/gazpar2mqtt/config.yaml
  6:27     error    no new line character at the end of file  (new-line-at-end-of-file)
[02:43:06] WARNING: Config file has an invalid yaml format. Please check the file in /config/gazpar2mqtt/config.yaml. Errors list above.
[02:43:06] INFO: Starting the app with the variables in /config/gazpar2mqtt/config.yaml
secret detected
/./etc/cont-init.d/ line 124: KEYS: unbound variable
/etc/cont-init.d/ exiting 1
/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
Starting the app
2023-02-26 02:43:07,812 INFO -----------------------------------------------------------
2023-02-26 02:43:07,813 INFO #               Welcome to gazpar2mqtt                    #
2023-02-26 02:43:07,813 INFO -----------------------------------------------------------
2023-02-26 02:43:07,813 INFO Program version : 0.8.2
2023-02-26 02:43:07,813 INFO Database version : 0.8.0
2023-02-26 02:43:07,814 INFO Influxdb version : 0.8.0
2023-02-26 02:43:07,814 INFO Please note that the the tool is still under development, various functions may disappear or be modified.
2023-02-26 02:43:07,814 INFO -----------------------------------------------------------
2023-02-26 02:43:07,814 INFO #                Program parameters                       #
2023-02-26 02:43:07,814 INFO -----------------------------------------------------------
2023-02-26 02:43:07,815 INFO GRDF config : username = ******@****.**, password = ******
2023-02-26 02:43:07,815 INFO MQTT broker config : host = None, port = 1883, clientId = gazpar2mqtt, qos = 1, topic = gazpar, retain = False, ssl = False
2023-02-26 02:43:07,815 INFO Standlone mode : Enable = True
2023-02-26 02:43:07,816 INFO Home Assistant discovery : Enable = False
2023-02-26 02:43:07,816 INFO Thresold options : Warning percentage = 80
2023-02-26 02:43:07,816 INFO Influxdb config : Enable = False
2023-02-26 02:43:07,816 INFO Price config : Default price = 0.07 €/kWh, default fix price = 0.9 €/day, path to file = /data
2023-02-26 02:43:07,817 INFO Database options : Force reinitialization = False, Path = /data
2023-02-26 02:43:07,817 INFO Debug mode : Enable = False
2023-02-26 02:43:07,817 INFO Check parameters...
2023-02-26 02:43:07,817 ERROR Parameter GRDF username is mandatory.
2023-02-26 02:43:07,817 ERROR Error on parameters. End of program.

Weird thing is that no matter what I change in the grdf config file, it does not change the info parameters it shows in the log… I am editing the config.yaml file which got created in the grdf2mqtt folder. I do a full restart after each modification.

GRDF_USERNAME: !secret email_denis
GRDF_PASSWORD: !secret password_grdf_denis
MQTT_HOST: core-mosquitto
HASS_PREFIX: homeassistant
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Thanks very much! I’ve pushed a new version that should solve it

Thank you for your quick answer and update! Quite impressive!
It worked even though the error is still appearing in the logs.

/etc/cont-init.d/ executing
Using config file found in /config/gazpar2mqtt/config.yaml
  12:82     error    no new line character at the end of file  (new-line-at-end-of-file)
[09:13:08] WARNING: Config file has an invalid yaml format. Please check the file in /config/gazpar2mqtt/config.yaml. Errors list above.
[09:13:08] INFO: Starting the app with the variables in /config/gazpar2mqtt/config.yaml

Besides of that I have now an other error in the logs. Impossible to connect. I checked the password and it’s correct. I went to my own customer space on the GRDF website and there is no data access enabled.

2023-02-26 09:13:37,713 INFO Connexion to GRDF, try 2/14...
2023-02-26 09:13:38,188 INFO <Response [200]>
2023-02-26 09:13:38,188 INFO <RequestsCookieJar[<Cookie XSRF-TOKEN=xxx for>, <Cookie ROUTEID=.1 for>, <Cookie JSESSIONID=xxx for>, <Cookie BIGipServer~EXT_PROD~PL-EXT_PROD-VS_P1_SIG-S_EPS_HTTPS_Internet=xxx for>, <Cookie auth_nonce=xxx for>, <Cookie auth_redir= for>]>
2023-02-26 09:13:38,189 INFO Login unsuccessful. Invalid returned information: {"state":"REINPUT","error":"CAPTCHA_FAIL","actualLockoutDuration":0,"message":"login.error.recaptchako","displayCaptcha":true,"surname":"xxx","name":"xxx","email":"xxx"}
2023-02-26 09:13:38,190 INFO Unable to login to GRDF website
2023-02-26 09:13:38,190 INFO Wait 113 seconds (2 min) before next try
2023-02-26 09:15:31,275 INFO Connexion to GRDF, try 3/14...
2023-02-26 09:15:31,779 INFO <Response [200]>
2023-02-26 09:15:31,780 INFO <RequestsCookieJar[<Cookie XSRF-TOKEN=xxx for>, <Cookie ROUTEID=.1 for>, <Cookie JSESSIONID=xxx for>, <Cookie BIGipServer~EXT_PROD~PL-EXT_PROD-VS_P1_SIG-S_EPS_HTTPS_Internet=xxx for>, <Cookie auth_nonce=xxx for>, <Cookie auth_redir= for>]>
2023-02-26 09:15:31,781 INFO Login unsuccessful. Invalid returned information: {"state":"REINPUT","error":"CAPTCHA_FAIL","actualLockoutDuration":0,"message":"login.error.recaptchako","displayCaptcha":true,"surname":"xxx","name":"xxx","email":"xxx"}
2023-02-26 09:15:31,782 INFO Unable to login to GRDF website
2023-02-26 09:15:31,783 INFO Wait 5 minutes before next try

Hi, thanks :wink:

Actually the first element is not really an error, more a warning. It just says your config.yaml does not have a blank new line at the end, per standard, but it is not really an issue.

Regarding the second element, I can’t help you : I only develop the addon to have the app in HomeAssistant, however the developer of the app is here : yukulehe/gazpar2mqtt: Python script to fetch GRDF’s website data and publish data to a mqtt broker. ( For example : Connexion impossible au site GRDF · Issue #78 · yukulehe/gazpar2mqtt (

I would suggest you post an issue in his github repo. Hope it will work for the best!

Thank you Alex! I will subscribe to these issues. Hopefully, we can find a solution to unlock it. Is your addon usable in the Home Assistant Energy dashboard?

For myelectricaldata, is it normal some data seem irrelevant when looking at the addon chart and the linky lovelace card?
Same question as for grdf, is your addon usable in the Home Assistant Energy dashboard?


Hi, you should also ask in the same repo, i just provide the addon but don’t dev the app, nor use it…

Hi guys,

I just found this repo and I wonder can I use *arr -s app and plex like it’s the main media server? Or there are any limitations because of HA OS?

For a few years, I have used this “hack” to mount my USB device: 80-mount-usb-to-media-by-label.rules which mounts the USB to the whole system, and it’s been working great. I’ve also been using your qBittorrent to save to the usb disk with great success. However, yesterday, i’ve tried installing your Sonarr add-on, and i think that’s where the problems started. In the configuration for localdisks, i put usb-sdb1, which is the foldername of my usb which i’ve always been using. Sonarr acted up, and I was even unable to stop the add-on. Several other functions seemd buggy on my server, so I decided to do a reboot. The reboot took about 20-30 mins which got me worried, but eventually it came back on.

If i now browse to usb-sdb1 now, It’s empty apart from a few folders which I believe are created by some addons. I also have a storage sensor that used to display approx 4TB free space, not it says 68 GB. So what I think is that a new usb-sdb1 has been created on the internal SSD.

In HA Hardware manager, I can still find the external HDD with the following specs:

DEVNAME: /dev/sdb
ID_BUS: usb
ID_MODEL: Elements_SE_2622
ID_MODEL_ENC: Elements\x20SE\x202622
ID_MODEL_ID: '2622'
ID_PATH: pci-0000:03:00.0-usb-0:2:1.0-scsi-0:0:0:0
ID_PATH_TAG: pci-0000_03_00_0-usb-0_2_1_0-scsi-0_0_0_0
ID_SERIAL: WD_Elements_SE_2622_575842324439314843543443-0:0
ID_SERIAL_SHORT: '575842324439314843543443'
ID_TYPE: disk
ID_USB_DRIVER: usb-storage
ID_VENDOR_ENC: WD\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20\x20
ID_VENDOR_ID: '1058'
MAJOR: '8'
MINOR: '16'
TAGS: ':systemd:'

So it’s still there, but something has changed. Might be related to the Sonarr configuration, maybe not. But i’m quite clueless here as i’m not very knowledagble with linux. Anyone got any idea what might have happened here?

@alexbelgium thanks for your work Alex, can you tell me how I can set up photoprism to scan the library automatically?