Align all card heights in a section to the height of the highest card

Dear all,

I’m currently trying to switch some dashboards to the new section system. I like the new system a lot, so already big thanks to the developers. Nevertheless I have a question in regards to aligning the heights of cards in one section. Is it possible to set the height of all cards in a section to the height of the highest card? In the attached screenshot it would be the height of the most right card:

In this case the most right card is a mini-graph-card.

Thanks very much!

Issued a PR on Githib for setting “height: 100%” for the mini-graph-card. Initially it was intended for Grid card, but will work in sections I guess.
Meanwhile you can card-mod it - just set

  style: |
    :host {height: 100%;}

Hi Gabdullin,

thank you very much, this worked!
