Alignments not right since 117 update

Hi all,

It appears the alignments of some cards are off since the update to 117?

Is this a known bug or did I miss something that I need to change?

e.g I have a card that appears on my dashboard when the heater is on, but the the text is half outside of the card.

I’ll try upload a screenshot.


Edit: Reported on GitHub

What does your card config look like?

If it is only the default config generated by the UI, report the issue here:

Yeah just the default config. Will report there.

Actually what sort of card is it?

I thought Glance but now I’m not s sure.

It’s a Glance nested inside a Conditional nested inside a Horizontal Stack.

However, I just did a test with Glance on its own - alignment is fine. Then I did a test with Glance nested inside Conditional - alignment is also fine.

So the issue appears to be when Horizontal Stack is used

Well, they’re all built-in cards so the issue link I posted is valid. Thought it may have been a custom card in which case that would have been the incorrect place.

I just created a Horizontal Stack as follows and still get alignment issues;

type: glance
  - entity: sensor.sw_bathroom_energy_yesterday
  - entity: sensor.sw_bathroom_energy_today
  - entity: sensor.sw_bathroom_energy_total
title: Bathroom Socket

Interestingly, the issue disappears once the title is not specified. So it is a formatting issue when title is specified.
I’ve raised the issue on GitHub too

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