After updating HA to 11.2 all my cloud based integrations don’t come up and fail to initialize. Alle direct connections like ZigBee work. In another issue I read about similar problems with Tuya which can be solved by renewing subscription there but this is not the case here. Any suggestions or do I need to downgrade?
Upgrading to latest Beta OS did not help
Same for me.
Ok downgraded to 11.0 and also downgraded core to 2023.11.0 but still the problem. I fear that the Update itself is not the root of the problem but the process of updating. But actually I have no idea
Would this include Google cloud for TTS service? I had no issues before upgrading now TTS won’t speak.
sorry I do not use Google cloud. Bute found a solution. Its too simple: just restart the devices that are not reachable
Same here. Attempting rollback to 11.1.
Rolled back to 2023.12.1 and they came alive.