All cloud based integrations (Shelly, HomeKit etc) Services not working after 11.2 update

After updating HA to 11.2 all my cloud based integrations don’t come up and fail to initialize. Alle direct connections like ZigBee work. In another issue I read about similar problems with Tuya which can be solved by renewing subscription there but this is not the case here. Any suggestions or do I need to downgrade?

Upgrading to latest Beta OS did not help

Same for me.

Ok downgraded to 11.0 and also downgraded core to 2023.11.0 but still the problem. I fear that the Update itself is not the root of the problem but the process of updating. But actually I have no idea

Would this include Google cloud for TTS service? I had no issues before upgrading now TTS won’t speak.

sorry I do not use Google cloud. Bute found a solution. Its too simple: just restart the devices that are not reachable

Same here. Attempting rollback to 11.1.
Rolled back to 2023.12.1 and they came alive.