Dear all
I don’t know why but I am not able to see the folders and files in both file editor and studio code server.
Firstly, I wanted to upload a picture in the shared folder via SMB and the only folder which was not accessible was the config folder. All others could be opened. The error message from windows is “you do not have permission to access…”
So I decided to upload via file editor. I was surprised to see that no folder and files were visible from it.
I also tried to use studio code server and I was not able to see any file/folder.
So I am in a situation where I cannot edit any yaml file.
Is someone already fix a similar issue? A far as I can remember, I didn’t change anything in the config. The only thing I did was the last update 2022.5.2. I had to roll back to the last backup as zwave JS didn’t work anymore after this update.
I just ran into a similar issue after restoring from a backup. I was able to fix this by going into Settings >> AddOns >> File Editor and then restarting the addon. Hope it helps for you too
Restarting the add-on didn’t help. Turning off git in the add-on config did help. Further investigation showed there was git ownership problem. Here is how to check and (at least temporarily) solve it. You’ll need ssh access.
➜ ~ docker exec -it addon_core_configurator bash
core-configurator:/# cd config/
core-configurator:/config# git status
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at '/config'
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add /config
core-configurator:/config# git config --global --add /config
core-configurator:/config# git status
On branch master
This editor is killing me, i hate it more than anything !! Always asking permitions for … i don’t know what, it always starts the welcome tab, files and dirs suddently leaving the ui, for no reason… etc
So now, i can’t acces my files, for… no reason, the browse bar disapeared, i tryed EVERITHING. I’m lost, i don’t understant this software (i am a senior dev !!!)
Is there ANY alternative : like a good editor, with a good ui, the basics
The same thing happened to me when I changed the configuration of my Home Assistant and started to log in via http. To fix it, I changed it back and when I logged in via https, I could see everything both in the file editor and from visual. From there I concluded that it is a security measure or something that does not allow me to view the files via http.