All entities are saying "No statistics found" & "This entity is no longer being recorded". What to do?

Allright. So after your comment about the packages I went looking and found some code I had copied from the forum and/or Ai included a whole bunch of recoder “includes”. I had no idea what “recorder” means when copying the code so I wasn’t aware. Also the recoder-documentation only talks about configuration.yaml, it says nowhere that this could also be defined in an external file. What is interesting anyway, is that I added this about a week before the recorder stopped recording.

I have now deleted the includes from the pakage files. Also deleted the newly created DB and reverted the name of the old DB to bring back the old History. Then restarted HA.

Now the history works again, but the old DBs are now all lablelled as corrupt and new database files have been created.


I can live with the loss of the old History, so I won’t bother trying to fix the old DB. Just happy my set up is working again, hope it stays that way.

Thank you all for your input on the matter!