All entity_id NULL

I use mariadb on synology.
Maybe someone can explain, why all values in column entity_id is NULL ???
In past I seen here names of sensors…


Do a purge AND repack of your database.

I spent a lot of time (days) for try take my DB size under control.
Many time all data removed by me and start from zero.
The last steps was:

  1. Delete the db from mariadb - did not help only “NONE” in state entity_id
  2. Delete the db from mariadb and in same time restore image from backup from ~4 days before. It resolved a problem.
    But after short time I see again only “NONE” (as in attached picture)

In past I did purge (0 days) and repack many times



I start use mariadb on Proxmox instead of Synology, and I got same problem.
I execute
SELECT entity_id, COUNT(*) as count FROM states GROUP BY entity_id ORDER BY count DESC LIMIT 60;
and get ~300k of “NULL” rows…
The Recorder purge + repack (keep 0 days), reduce rows to ~0, but not resolve problem…

Additional time I restored HA OS from image. For now I can see normal status of DB

I did OS update from 10.0.rc2 to 10.0.rc3 - all looks good

I did Core update from 2023.3.6 to 2023.4.0b7 - all values changed to NULL see below

Please only discuss the beta releases in the Home Assistant beta release discord channel.

Additionally, the database maintainer hangs out there so you are more likely to get a response.

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i have the same Problem in the 2023.4 final …

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Have exactly the same problem. All entity_id states are NULL in the latest version 2023.4. I’ve purged everything, reinstall recorder… but didn’t help.

Resulting in failed SQL queries for ‘state_id’:

SELECT * FROM states WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.smart_plug_15min' ORDER BY last_updated_ts DESC  LIMIT 1

It’s happening again… global change of DB format without any notification, warning… in “states” table all entity_id’s are “null”… so, i wonder… where did they move all entities and values to…?

the entity_id is now stored in the table “states_meta”…
and in the table “states” you can found “metadata_id” …

wish I had a deeper look before I drop the tables …

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As per the release notes, there are updated examples here:

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So I guess there is no more direct entity_id calls and we can no longer use:

SELECT state FROM states WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.your_sensor_here' WHERE last_changed_ts...

Does anyone have the correct syntax for updated database?

Yes see the examples in the link I posted above.

thanks it works!

Hm…as i’m not sql pro i don’t have a clue how to correct this to working version: (it’s mariadb database, in synology): sensor should show min (and max alternatively) temperature TODAY, so from midnight to right now.

- name: minimum outside temperature
  db_url: !secret database_url
  unit_of_measurement: °C
  column: "min_temp"
  query: >
    SELECT MIN(CAST(state AS DECIMAL(3, 1))) AS min_temp
    FROM states
    WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.outside_temperature'
    AND state IS NOT NULL
    AND state NOT IN ('unknown', 'unavailable')
    AND FROM_UNIXTIME(last_updated_ts) >= CURRENT_DATE();

try something like:

SELECT MIN(CAST(state AS DECIMAL(3, 1))) AS min_temp FROM states LEFT JOIN state_attributes ON (states.attributes_id = state_attributes.attributes_id) WHERE metadata_id = ( SELECT metadata_id FROM states_meta where entity_id = 'sensor.outside_temperature' );
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now i approximately see the point… i must replace “where entity_id = ----” with another sql sentence, where i extract entity via metadata_id…
thanks again!

Hi all,

can someone please help me? I am not very experiance in SQL and I have round about 100SQL queries in Grafana and nothing works anymore.

Can someone please translate this example to the new format?

  last_updated_ts AS "time",
  '°C' AS metric,
  CAST(state AS float) AS "InnenTemp"
FROM states
  state <> 'unavailable' and
  state <> 'unknown' and
  entity_id = 'sensor.1w_ds2438t'
ORDER BY last_updated_ts

I never saw something like this, how is it possible to make so significant changes from one day to annother! I am very frustarated about this.

Thanks in advanced!

Try this:

  last_updated_ts AS "time",
  '°C' AS metric,
  CAST(state AS float) AS "InnenTemp"
FROM states
  state <> 'unavailable' and
  state <> 'unknown' and
  metadata_id = (SELECT metadata_id FROM states_meta WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.1w_ds2438t')
ORDER BY last_updated_ts;

The point is, we should stop using entity_id (cause they are saving disk space, lol). Instead we can reference with metadata_id and with another query.

So instead of:

WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.your_sensor'


WHERE metadata_id = (SELECT metadata_id FROM states_meta WHERE entity_id = 'sensor.your_sensor')

Hi all,

many, many thanks for the very quick response. I also got it working! Now I have to change all the Grafana dashboard Querys. I do not understand, why people are changing a running system in such a significant way…but maybe I missed the announcements!