All Given Device Names are gone

Hi everyone,

I have a problem that all my names which I have given in devices are no longer there.
As a result, all my automations etc. are broken.

I had a corruption due to an edit in the core.config_entries, which I fixed by correcting it.

This has (I assume at least) led to the names of devices being lost and the defaiult names are set. Surely the integrations Zigbee, SMA, Viessmann are affected.

Does anyone have an idea how I can restore these? Due to the number of devices, finding out the names is really a big task …

Thanks a lot for some hinds

restore a backup…

Thanks for the quick reply. I will take it into consideration…
Where are the names stored?

I would like to understand what happened here.

The entries in .storage are not really made for manual editing.

In my case the names are stored in .storage/core.device_registry as the name_by_user.

Restore this single file solves the problem.