All History lost


Unfortunately all my history is lost. Energy, devices and so on:

Any idea why this may have happened? I guess it’s best to try to import a backup?


Something deleted or corrupted your recorder database. Hopefully just the latter.

There are topics on the forum about database repair.

I found this thread as the same happened to me too after I restarted HA. I don’t recall this ever happened to me before, and I switched to MariaDB 1-2 days ago so that should be even more safe for these kind of things, if I have understood right.

The weird thing is, that I still have all that history in home-assistant_v2.db when I browse that database with SQLiteWeb -plugin. But ALL history is gone, and it didn’t even help that I restored last night’s full backup of HA. Also, the weird thing is that Shelly3EM energy data is missing from the database as well, and naturally ALL my Energy panel history is now gone.

Is there any way to fix that and why on earth this might have happened? And most importantly, how can I prevent that happening ever again? I thought backups are for things like this, but apparently even full backup didn’t help anything! :frowning:

hi, i have a big problem. After the home assistant system update from today, all my history data from my engergie dashborad are gone. the last backup is 2 weeks old. is there any possibilitie to restore the history datas?
